Can Dogs Eat Broccoli

Can I give broccoli to my dog? Is broccoli good or bad for dogs? 

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about introducing broccoli into the dog’s diet.

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?

AS per the American kennel club  Yes, dogs can eat broccoli. It is a tasty, inexpensive, low-fat vegetable and is a great source of vitamins and nutrients for dogs.

Broccoli has numerous health benefits and can help your dog fight infections and expel toxins.

however, it should be given in moderation as large quantities can be harmful and cause problems for the dog.

The downside to broccoli is that it contains an ingredient known as isothiocyanates, which can cause stomach irritation, especially in large quantities.

So is broccoli safe for dogs? The answer is yes, but they should never exceed 5-10% of the dog’s daily diet. A dose greater than 25% is considered harmful.

Can puppies eat broccoli too? 

Yes, but in much smaller quantities than an adult dog. 

A puppy should eat at most one broccoli stalk at a time and at most once a week because their digestive system is much more sensitive than an adult dog.

Is Broccoli good for dog?

Broccoli has many benefits for dog health; is one of the healthiest and most affordable vegetables on the market, and makes a great snack for your dog.

It is packed with nutrients and minerals that are beneficial for dogs with diabetes or cancer.

Here are all the 6 benefits that broccoli can bring to dogs:

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli


Broccoli contains glucosinolates. These are compounds essential for the neutralization and elimination of toxins and contaminants for the dog. 

Glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin, and gluconasturtiin are all part of the detoxification phase of the dog’s system.

 It is a natural and healthy way to cleanse the body of environmental and food toxins absorbed by the dog.


Glucoraphanin present in broccoli is a precursor of sulforaphane, which is very present in broccoli. This ingredient activates genes that prevent cancer development by stimulating cellular enzymes.

Broccoli, therefore, protects the dog against some chemical damage that causes cancer and minimizes their development.


Broccoli contains a lot of dietary fiber which helps maintain digestive health by maintaining levels of good bacteria in the stomach and therefore a healthier dog.


Since broccoli contains low levels of fat and calories, the dog’s cholesterol level will decrease accordingly. A high fiber intake also contributes to lowering blood cholesterol levels.


Broccoli has anti-inflammatory properties. They are a rich source of phytonutrients that help reduce swelling and inflammation.


The soluble fiber in broccoli also helps slow down the absorption of glucose, thereby preventing the rapid rise in blood glucose levels after a dog’s meal.

Why is broccoli good for Dogs?

Broccoli is similar to cauliflower and both belong to cruciferous vegetables. 

Broccoli is considered one of the most beneficial foods for the body, especially for humans. 

However, cruciferous vegetables are also recommended for dogs since they have multiple properties that we will see in detail below. Let’s check out the broccoli benefit.

Rich in vitamins

The high concentration of vitamins C, A, E, and K means that the dog can enjoy all the properties they bring.

 Vitamin C and E have healing properties, E also has antiviral properties. Vitamin A, on the other hand, improves vision and the condition of hair, nails, and teeth. 

Vitamin K protects the heart and strengthens the bones, strengthens the immune system, and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.

Powerful antioxidant

Both the presence of the aforementioned vitamins and the carotenoids and flavonoids contained in them make broccoli an excellent natural source of antioxidants. 

This is the dog translates into a decrease in the chances of suffering from premature oxidation, the possibility of fighting free radicals, which contribute to the development of cardiovascular problems or the appearance of tumors.

Improve digestion

Thanks to the fibers and the number of minerals they possess, broccoli helps the dog’s digestion as long as they are supplied in suitable quantities.

 An overdose can generate the opposite effect, we will see why later. But when supplied in the right proportions these vegetables can prevent or improve dog constipation.

Fights anemia

Thanks to the content of folic acid and iron, broccoli helps fight anemia and prevent it. 

Obviously, broccoli cannot be the only solution for an anemic dog, since in these cases it is necessary to follow the veterinarian’s therapies in case of anemia in dogs. 

However, the consumption of broccoli is beneficial in these cases.

Can raw broccoli to be given to the dogs?

Broccoli can be eaten raw provided the central stem is removed and washed thoroughly.

However, in AnimalPedia, we recommend cooking them lightly before offering them to the dog for one simple reason: to eliminate any presence of bacteria. 

If, on the other hand, you opt to offer them raw to the dog, we recommend choosing organic and good quality broccoli. 

Cauliflowers can also be eaten raw, by removing the stem and leaves first.

Is Broccoli good for diabetic dogs?

Dogs with diabetes can consume broccoli without any problems, in fact, they help fight the disease. 

Thanks to the antioxidant properties of this food, benefits are noted for the cardiovascular and immune systems of the animal. 

Furthermore, the consumption of broccoli can prevent possible damage to blood vessels, thus decreasing the possibility of contracting heart or brain diseases. 

Obviously, the fact of consuming broccoli does not guarantee the health of the dog, but if we add it to the right diet, veterinary checks, and exercise we will significantly reduce the possibility of contracting this disease.

How to cook Broccoli for dog?

Broccoli stems could potentially cause an obstruction in the esophagus, especially in small dogs. Therefore, be sure to cut the broccoli into small pieces and keep an eye on your dog as he eats them.

As with any new food, start with small amounts to make sure your dog doesn’t have any allergic reactions to the food. Ask your vet if you have any concerns about broccoli and if it is safe for your dog.

If you decide to cook broccoli, avoid seasoning it with salt or other spices. Salt can be dangerous for your dog’s health. Instead, boil the broccoli in water or, better yet, steam it.

My dog ​​ate too much broccoli, what do I do?

If your dog has only mild discomfort after eating too much broccoli, have him drink plenty of water to allow the body to detoxify naturally.

Symptoms should go away after 24 hours, but if they persist longer, take your dog to the vet for a checkup. Here are the most common symptoms of broccoli poisoning in dogs:

  • He retched
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • The dog whimpers or curls up with stomach pain
  • He doesn’t want to eat any more food
  • The whites of your dog’s eyes may turn yellow (jaundice)
  • Disorientation

Caution !! The information shown is not medical advice and may not be accurate. The contents are for illustrative purposes only and do not replace medical advice.

What are difference between broccoli and cabbage?

As we said above, cabbage and broccoli are two varieties belonging to the same family, the cruciferous. 

Therefore they share practically all the nutritional characteristics and beneficial properties typical of this family of vegetables.

The main difference is definitely the visual aspect and the taste.

Specifically, broccoli has the typical bright green color and the large stem from which branches start ending with the inflorescences,

while cauliflower has a generally white color (although there are orange and purple varieties) and a more compact structure, wrapped in leaves at the base. 

As for the flavor, cauliflower is sweeter and more delicate than that broccoli.

Going into the specifics regarding the nutritional aspects, we can first say that for both the recommended portion is 200 grams and the calorie intake is almost identical, as well as the sugar content. 

The potassium content is also almost identical between broccoli and cauliflower. 

Broccoli has slightly higher quantities of folic acid and vitamin C than cauliflower while, the latter, has a lower quantity of vitamin K, an aspect to be taken into consideration by those who follow anticoagulant therapy.


Can broccoli upset a dog’s stomach?

Isothiocyanates can irritate your dog’s gastrointestinal system. 
Too much isothiocyanate in flowers can cause nausea, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. 
If your dog eats a significant amount of broccoli, the ailments could become serious or cause significant health problems or even death.

How much broccoli can my dog have??

While it’s okay for dogs to eat, consuming too much broccoli can cause gastrointestinal upset for your pet, according to the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. 
They explain that this vegetable should make up no more than 10% of your pup’s daily meals to avoid health complications.

Is cooked broccoli Harmful to dogs?

Broccoli can be a safe and healthy treat for dogs to eat, but only in moderation. However, broccoli also has more calories and fiber than cauliflower. While broccoli is a dog-friendly vegetable and is non-toxic to dogs, it can suffer damage if fed too much broccoli

Are carrots and broccoli good for dogs?

Broccoli should make up less than 5% of your dog’s food intake. 
Chewing on raw, crunchy carrots relieves anxiety and cleans your teeth! 
Eating carrots is great for eyesight and boosts the immune system with antioxidants. Some dogs find raw carrots difficult to chew and can choke.

Why does my dog ​​like broccoli?

Dogs can benefit from the nutrients contained in broccoli, including vitamin K, calcium, and potassium. 
Vitamin K promotes strong bones and increased bone density, and when combined with the many nutrients in broccoli, it can be a real boost for growing dogs

Can Dogs Eat Some Broccoli?

Yes, dogs can eat broccoli. Dogs can eat both cooked and raw broccoli, as long as no seasonings or oils are added. 
However, this vegetable should always be given in very small quantities, especially since the florets contain isothiocyanates, which can cause stomach irritation in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli Salad?

Cabbage and vegetable inflorescences, including Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli are not only safe to feed your dog, but they are also chock full of fiber and nutrients, including vitamins K and C. Salads such as romaine lettuce and arugula can be fed to your puppy, as well as spinach, kale, and kale.

How to get rid of the smell of broccoli?

You know the smell that not everyone loves that is released when cooking broccoli? This characteristic is due to the sulfur that broccoli contains in fair quantities and to limit it to a minimum, you can squeeze a lemon in the cooking water of the broccoli or you can place a thick slice of bread soaked in white vinegar on the lid of the pot which will absorb the ‘odor.

Is raw broccoli poisonous for dogs?

In most cases, raw broccoli is safe to enjoy with little or no risk. 
However, like most vegetables in the cruciferous family, both raw and cooked broccoli can cause excessive gas or bloat in some people. 
Broccoli can cause digestive upset, particularly in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (12).

Does broccoli make dogs fart?

While dogs are omnivores, vegetables like broccoli can be a healthy addition to their meal plan. However, cruciferous vegetables have a reputation for causing gas, so they may make your pup a little gassy.

Can Dogs With Kidney Disease Eat Broccoli?

Supplement your dog’s vitamin intake with fresh, pet-safe products; 
carrots, green beans, and broccoli are some of the best vegetables for dogs with kidney disease.

Last Note–

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