Home Tips How to prepare for the puppy’s arrival

How to prepare for the puppy’s arrival

How to prepare for the puppy's arrival

Are you worried about how to prepare for the puppy’s arrival? Here we have discussed each and every point about what to do when you are ready to welcome a new puppy’s arrival or dog’s arrival.

You have just adopted a puppy. This will quickly take a very important place in your life. dogfoodmanager wishes to help you at all stages of your companion’s development.

How to prepare for the arrival of puppy ?

Here you will find some basic Guidelines with proper information about:

  • the food
  • the health and hygiene
  • the education

Dog Food

The dietary needs of a dog (carnivore) are very different from those of a human (omnivore). Your animal must therefore receive a specific diet, adapted to its physiology and not human food. This is especially true during growth, which is the most important period for his future health, but also when he learns good and bad habits.

Which food to give to dog ?

Industrial foods (boxes or croquettes) are generally very well formulated. The basic rules to follow are:

  • choose a complete feed (legal notice must be indicated on the packaging)
  • choose a food adapted to the age and the particular living conditions of the animal, for example “intended for the puppy in a period of growth of three months to one year” or “intended for the adult dog” or even “intended for the adult dog having significant physical activity “…

The quantities to be dispensed are those indicated by the manufacturer. Thus, a dog who eats healthy and balanced food will be able to grow well and have fun for hours. 

You will be able to go for a walk, you will, of course, have to equip yourself beforehand so that this moment is perfect. You will find on our website all the necessary equipment such as a dog lanyard.

The differences between the ranges mainly relate to the quality of the raw materials used, which directly influences the digestibility of the product but this is not necessarily visible on the label: animal proteins (meat) will be better absorbed than vegetable proteins. (soybeans, cereals) by a carnivore; however, the packaging will be labeled with 30% protein in both cases. 

It is quite possible to prepare a balanced diet yourself. For an adult dog, the proportions to be observed are as follows:

Give a balanced diet to your dog

30% lean meat + 50% very cooked rice + 20% vegetables Or 40% fatty meat + 30% very cooked rice + 30% vegetables. 

Rice can be replaced with pasta. The vegetables used are most often carrots or green beans.

To this, it is imperative to add a mixture comprising in equal quantities: dry yeast, oil, mineral, and vitamin supplement (calcium, etc.).

The quantities to be dispensed vary according to the weight:

  • 300 g per day for a 7 kg dog
  • 510 g for 15 kg
  • 725 g for 25 kg
  • 900 g pour35 kg.

Corrective coefficients should be applied during particular physiological states: growth in particular but also gestation, lactation, intense activity, etc.

If you decide to adopt this type of diet (also called household feeding, as opposed to industrial feeding), we strongly encourage you to tell us about it. We will calculate your dog’s exact needs for you and tell you which supplements to use. 

Note:-If you don’t have time to prepare your dog meal to check this blog -Best food for the dog

How to distribute the dog food ?

We have seen that a dog has specific dietary needs. On the other hand, unlike humans, they don’t like to vary their diet. The golden rule to respect is therefore stability.

– Distribution times:

Three meals a day for up to four or five months then two meals a day for up to six or eight months, at a fixed time (morning and evening or noon and evening).

In adults, you can, according to your preferences, distribute the daily ration once or twice. 

Please note: offering two meals does not mean giving twice as much to eat.

Special case: splitting the ration into two meals is recommended in large breeds (over thirty kilos) to limit the risk of stomach twisting.


A dog must eat quietly, at fixed times, preferably after you (see education chapter). If he eats before you or at the same time, he will need to be isolated in another room.

  • Avoid strenuous activity after a meal during digestion
  • The ideal is to leave the bowl available only for a limited time.
  • Your pet will quickly learn to make real meals and not to snack
  • Your dog must obviously always have fresh and clean water available.

Rewards, treats to your dog :

Absolutely ban chocolate, cakes and other sweets. Your table scraps should also be avoided.

These supplements, in addition to unbalancing the diet of your companion, inevitably induce begging behavior (dog drooling, hellish when you eat…).

The use of a reward for educational purposes is quite possible, but the caress and contact with the hand of the master must take precedence over the distribution of food. There are, however, if you wish, products suitable for this purpose.

Never forget that food intake is more or less proportional to the weight of the animal. A 5kg miniature poodle eating a square of chocolate is roughly equivalent to a 70kg man swallowing half the bar.

The balance and harmonious growth of a puppy depend on the regularity of its meals, the quality and balance of its food, and respect for the quantities distributed. Industrial foods have the advantage of stability and balance as well as significant practicality (no “cooking” to prepare).

How to keep Hygiene Dog

hygiene is a very important part of everybody whether it’s a humane or pet. here we have given some points on how to keep Hygiene your Dog.

How to clean Dog Skin 

A dog should be washed as little as possible: at most once a month and preferably not before the age of four months. 

The shampoos must always be products for dogs, which are very different from human shampoos. Indeed, these are aggressive for the skin of your animal and can generate dermatological problems.

In contrast, a dog’s coat requires regular brushing. The purpose of this is to untangle and remove dead hair. This operation should be weekly (for a short-haired breed) to daily (for a long-haired breed).

The puppy should be used to the brush very early on. It is indeed essential that brushing is a pleasant activity for both the animal and the owner and not a chore.

Some breeds must also be groomed regularly (mowing or waxing depending on the case). Do not hesitate to see a groomer who, as a professional, will be able to give you useful advice.

How to clean Dog Ears 

In most cases, no special maintenance is necessary: ​​simple monitoring is sufficient.

Some breeds (Poodle, Lhasa Apso, Bichon…) have hairy ears and must be shaved regularly to clear the ear canal.

Other breeds, in particular, those with floppy ears and long hair (Cocker, Spaniel, Poodle, etc.) are considered to be at risk for ear problems. At home, it is good to ensure regular cleaning with a suitable product: do not use ether, alcohol, etc. which are irritating. Cotton swabs are strictly prohibited in all cases.

A pathological problem in one ear will usually manifest itself in characteristic behavior: scratching or an animal that frequently shakes its head.

How to clean Dog Eyes –

In principle, they do not require any special care.

Some breeds tend to have tear discharge. In this case, it is necessary to use a suitable hygiene product to clean the periphery of the eye and ensure a light massage of the tear ducts. The breeds concerned are in particular those with prominent eyes.

How to clean Dog Dents 

A puppy’s teeth require little attention. The correct implantation and replacement of deciduous teeth will be monitored during immunization visits.

However, a certain number of small breeds (Poodle, Yorkshire, Shih Tzu …) are particularly prone to the deposit of dental plaque and tartar, responsible later (often from the age of three to five years) of bad breath and then loosening. and dental infection.

 It is interesting to accustom the puppies concerned, from an early age to dental hygiene care, using suitable products: pastes containing a mild abrasive and an antiseptic which will avoid having to proceed too early to descaling with ultrasound under general anesthesia.

How to Educate to a new dog

For the dog, the human family in which he lives is a pack. However, a pack is hierarchical: there is a first (dominant), a second, a third …

It is essential that all the humans of the family are in a dominant position vis-à-vis the dog, in particular the master who must behave like a “pack leader”, which does not mean that he must crush or humiliate his dog, but simply know how to make himself firmly respected in order to be obeyed without discussion.

A dog is always looking to please his boss. It is by exploiting this that we will get the most out of him. Avalanche, guide, or handicapped dogs … who often do extraordinary things never work under duress but in a climate of mutual trust with their master.

Most of the education problems initially come from misunderstandings. Human and canine languages ​​are very different. It is up to humans to learn the canine language and use it to put themselves within reach of the dog and make him understand what is expected of him.


A dog must be perfectly sociable towards its congeners and towards men. When it comes to behavior towards other dogs, the mother plays an essential role. It is in this regard very important not to separate a puppy too early from its mother (two months = a minimum, two ½ months or even three months for large breeds, are preferable). Many educational problems (in particular cleanliness) arise from too early weaning.

You should know that an adult dog will consider as hostile to anything he has not experienced before the age of 5-6 months. It is, therefore, necessary to show a puppy a maximum of things before this age: car, crowd, child, cat, firecracker… but also brush, hygiene product… veterinarian…

These presentations will have to be done gently, without panicking the puppy so that he considers the new thing as pleasant. You have to reassure him, talk to him softly, stroke him. The master should be present and serve as an emotional refuge when the puppy feels disoriented.

During this period of socialization, the puppy must be handled as often as possible: ears, eyes, mouth, brushing, and disentangling… He must accept this as a game and not as a constraint. He must also learn not to move too much during these operations.

Basic rules of learning for your new dog

  • The most effective way to teach a puppy something is “positive reinforcement.” Each time the puppy obeys or responds favorably to what is asked of him, even if it is by chance, we must reinforce his attitude by rewarding him. Conversely, never associate anything that looks like an endorsement with misconduct. The bad habit would be quickly taken.
  • The best existing reward is the caress and contact with the hand of the master as well as the perception of a soft voice.
  • On the contrary, at least initially, failures will be ignored. It is only after a certain time, when we are sure that the puppy will have understood what is being asked of him, that we can add punishment or scolding. This will consist of a firm and definitive “NO” or “DEFENDED”. 
  • The same word, pronounced in the same tone, should be used each time. In the event of serious misconduct, in particular in the event of calling into question the authority of the boss, corporal punishment may be used. 
  • The most effective is to scold the puppy in a loud voice, holding it by the skin of the neck and looking it straight in the face, or even shaking it a little. The slap on the buttocks with a newspaper is also usable. Most of the learning is done by tone of voice: do not hesitate to shout.
  • In all cases, both the reward and the punishment must immediately follow the success or the fault. The dog indeed has an associative memory which does not allow him to make the relation between two distant events in time.
  • These techniques are applicable to all the actions that an adult dog should know how to perform: recall, kicking with and without a leash, sitting and lying on command …
  • Example of the reminder: first, take advantage of the fact that your puppy spontaneously rushes towards you to say each time “XX, at the foot” and congratulate him when he arrives.
  •  You can also take advantage of the fact that, distracted, he has lost you and starts looking for you to make you hear: “ccome here jerry (your dog name)”. Your puppy happy to have found you will come to you.
  • Joyfully congratulate him when he arrives … Thus, he will gradually associate this order with coming back to you and receiving a reward. Then, even if it takes a long time to come back on a callback, congratulate them when they arrive. If you scold him, he will associate returning with punishment.
  • Likewise, walking on a leash should in no case be abrupt at the start so as not to disgust the puppy. Start with a very long rope in an open space and only pull on the leash gently and gradually, accompanying the spontaneous movements of the animal. 
  • It is only then that one can fire sharply to call to order the stunned person who has forgotten not to shoot. Never exert continuous traction on the leash but proceed in spurts punctuated by a “kick” without reply.

How to give Potty training to new dog

This is a special case of what has been seen previously. Cleanliness is not innate in a dog. We must teach it to the puppy about potty manners.

At the start, we will have to show the puppy a place (newspapers, mops …) on which he can do his business. Whenever you see him getting into position, carry him to the intended spot and congratulate him. Do not scold him in case of forgetting in another place. This technique requires spending time following the puppy in its movements.

When he understands and spontaneously searches for his newspapers or mop for his needs, they will be followed up during hygienic outings, which should be as frequent as possible. 

Then, gradually, we will leave the newspapers outside, showing them to the puppy who will thus get into the habit of scratching at the door (or another mimicry) to show that he wants to go out. It is only at this stage that we can scold him in case of forgetting inside and only if we catch him in the act.

If you live in a house with a garden, it may be easier to skip the “newspaper step” and carry your puppy directly outside, always in the same place, where you want it to get used to. to relieve oneself.

Note: “sticking your nose in” is totally ineffective. Indeed, a dog spontaneously senses the needs it meets in order to identify the perpetrator. It is absolutely not repulsive for him. This can simply lead the animal to hide its needs, to eat them …

Potty training in a puppy requires patience and time on your part: following the animal the first few days to see when it does its needs, then go on frequent and long outings afterward…

A dog should always eat after his owners and in a separate room. He must accept without hesitation that we put his hand on his head, that we keep him on his back, that we take away the bowl or his toy. No biting, even by play, should be tolerated towards humans, especially children: give the puppy a ball so that he can bite as he pleases or “bite his teeth”.

All these attitudes of domination are detectable very early (at the age of a few weeks) and must be corrected immediately.

Your puppy requires a considerable investment of time during the first months: most of the basic learning will be acquired around 7-9 months. This time that you devote to him will make your cohabitation harmonious throughout his life. It will be able to accompany you everywhere.

The principles to be observed are patience, firmness, respect for a few basic instructions. A correctly socialized puppy, having known many situations during its first months, handled often, and having received a minimum of education, will never pose problems during life in society.

 These rules are valid regardless of the breed: tolerating more small dogs can lead to serious problems. The smallest are often the most dominant and the least easy to train.

Hoping that these few tips will be useful to you, we wish you a long and pleasant life together.

In case of hesitation or need for additional details, we are at your disposal: a short phone call is better than a big mistake;)

What you should not do

  • Punishments deferred in time in relation to the fault are to be totally avoided. If you scold a puppy when you walk in and find out that he has done something wrong while you were away, he will associate the punishment with your return and not with the mistake he made.
  • Allow one day and prohibit the next: you have to be homogeneous in what you ask and always keep the same attitude, otherwise the animal no longer understands. Likewise, all members of the family must behave in the same way otherwise the puppy will be completely confused.
  • Tolerate dominant attitudes towards one or more family members. There are certain signs that we humans feel are normal or friendly for dogs to get the best of their owners. Putting the head or a paw on the knees or on the thigh for example: the dog does not ask for a caress, it asserts its dominance

If in addition, we give him a caress, we encourage him in this way and he will rebel the day when we want to show him that he is not the leader.

 The same goes for dogs who take possession of key passages in the home (control positions, hallway, staircase, sofa from where they can watch everything, etc.

who require their owner to be present when they eat. These attitudes must be detected and proscribed as soon as possible, in particular in males showing intentions of domination.

Some additional information

Some numbers
  • Rectal temperature: 38 ° to 39 ° C
  • Respiratory rate: 10 to 40 per minute
  • Cardiac frequency :
  • * about 200 / minute for a puppy
  • * around 150 to 180 / minute for small breeds
  • * around 70 to 150 / minute for large breeds
  • Gestation period: 58 to 63 days
  • Sexual maturity:
  • * 7 to 10 months in males
  • * 6 to 14 months in the female
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 16-17 years depending on the breed
Your dog’s papers

– Certificate of sale: It was given to you by the seller and must mention the date of the sale, the identity of the animal (tattoo number), the sale price, the name and address of the veterinarians chosen by the seller, and the buyer.

  • The tattoo card: The change of owner must have been made (signature of the seller and the buyer and sending to the Société Centrale Canine)
  • These two documents are required for any transaction, even with a private individual, even if the puppy is not purebred.
  • The health record (or vaccination record): it is not for the exclusive use of the veterinarian. It contains pages of information that you can read and pages of notes that you can use to record the dates of deworming, the heat of the female dogs, the weight …)
  • The birth certificate (or provisional registration in the Book of French Origins) for purebred dogs. Only puppies with this document can obtain a pedigree


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