This is a complete & detailed guide on the BARF diet for dogs.

In this article I will cover the following topics:

  • What is the BARF diet and how it works,
  • The pros and cons of feeding a dog a raw meat diet
  • How to give your dog bones, meat and raw fish without risk
  • What ingredients can be used in the BARF diet,
  • How to calculate the amount of raw food to give to YOUR dog,
  • 6 examples of raw meat and fish-based BARF recipes
  • And much more.

So if you want to learn all about this diet, discover my secrets and significantly improve your dog’s quality of life, then I’m sure you will love this guide.

Ready ?

Well, let’s get started!

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

Table of Contents


You have probably already heard of the BARF diet , which has become very popular in recent years.

Many people claim that feeding their dogs a diet of meaty bones and raw food is much healthier than any other diet, and more importantly, it brings a ton of benefits to the overall health of the dog.

The basis of this theory is , the consideration that dogs should follow a diet that is as similar as possible to that of their ancestors, the wolves.

  • But, is this true?
  • Is this diet good for fido’s health?
  • Is it really much better than commercial food or is it just another option to choose from?
  • Is the dog safe from eating bones and raw food?

Let’s find out together!

BARF Meaning – What is the BARF Diet?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

The BARF diet consists of feeding dogs raw foods biologically suitable for them. BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food , translated into Italian as Biologically Appropriate Raw Food.

Curiosity: in the past (and sometimes still), to identify this diet, the acronym Bones And Raw Food was used , which means “bones and raw food”.

This diet was designed by an Australian veterinarian named Ian Billinghurst .

Feeding through the BARF diet It is based on the concept and philosophy that dogs were conceived to eat raw food.

The diet includes a diet based on proteins of animal origin, to which a small percentage of fresh fruit and vegetables is added.

Dogs are carnivorous animals, and their digestive tract is shorter than that of omnivores and herbivores, as it is designed for meat (animal protein) consumption.

Why feed a dog a BARF diet?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

To understand why, I would like to tell you a few lines about how dogs evolved.

It is unknown exactly how many years ago or how, Still, everything indicates that the first dogs were born through the domestication of some wolves who went to steal the leftovers of their food from humans, especially in periods when the hunting seasons were sluggish and prey was scarce.

Over the years, humans and wolves have built beneficial and beneficial relationships to both..

This way the more docile their got easy food and humans benefited from the wolves’ ability to take care of their territory.

Consequently, humans began to cross those wolves with desirable characteristics (both physical and behavioral) up to the dogs we know today.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because it is important to understand that although changes in appearance and behavior (phenotype) are relatively easy to obtain in a few years, the DNA (genotype) is still the same as that of wolves.

In fact, dogs share 99.8% of their DNA with wolves.

For this reason, when it comes to nutrition we must remember that genetically modified dogs are still wolves, and that their digestive system and nutritional needs are the same.

Note: it is important to understand that as far as it is possible to modify and / or cross things, in this case, for us humans, it is not possible to MODIFY the DNA of our dogs to make them herbivores or omnivores, simply because they do not have the metabolism or the digestive tract of an omnivore or herbivore.

The main reason for switching to the BARF diet is simple! The dog is a carnivore and must consume animal proteins (raw or cooked) to achieve a correct nutritional balance.

Feeding your dog ultra-processed food such as kibble can cause serious and long-term illnesses to be very damaging to his health.

What is the BARF diet for dogs made of?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

The  BARF diet consists of giving the dog raw meals based on:

  • 60% fleshy bones (bones with flesh attached)
  • 25% lean meat (or fish)
  • 15% raw fruit and vegetables, eggs and entrails
  • 0% preservatives
  • 0% cereals

The recipe I use:

The composition that I personally use for my dogs instead is:

  • 60% fleshy bones (bones with flesh attached)
  • 20% lean meat and / or fish
  • 10% Viscera and / or internal organs
  • 10% fruit & vegetables (steamed and chopped)
  • + Supplements

If you have deciSuppose you have decided to feed your dog the BARF diet. In that case, I strongly recommend that you do detailed research and consult your veterinarian/nutritionist, carefully analyzing YOUR dog’s needs, especially to make sure that he does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies, allergies, or health problems.

Do foods need to be completely raw in the BARF diet for dogs?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

Yes, the official and traditional BARF diet use only raw foods. It is based on the simple concept that the vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes it contains are destroyed when food is cooked.
And I already know what you’re thinking!

But don’t raw meat and raw fish contain a lot of bacteria and pathogens?

The answer is yes! Some raw foods can indeed contain a variety of pathogens, such as meat and fish, but the digestive tract of carnivores is short, and the digestion process is quite fast, thus allowing the removal of “waste” in short times.

Food does not ferment in their digestive system as with herbivores.

By nature, the dog’s body is predisposed to resist and eliminate the bacteria present in the meat, as both its saliva and its gastric juices have antibacterial properties.

Despite this, some of these bacteria can cause serious infections. For this reason, it is always necessary to freeze the meat before serving it, and some owners take even more precautions, cook some ingredients minimally to be safe and avoid these health problems.

Pros and cons of the BARF diet for dogs

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

The BARF diet has tons of health benefits for dogs, but it also has some drawbacks. Let’s find out together:

Advantage of BARF diet

BARF diet based on raw and biologically appropriate natural foods will guarantee a number of benefits for your dog:

  • He will like them very much.
  • It will have an excellent level of hydration, which will manifest itself in healthy skin and a shinier coat.
  • Your teeth will be clean and healthy. Recreational bones help clean teeth and remove tartar.
  • Your immune system will further strengthen, thereby decreasing food allergies and intolerances.
  • The stools will be less bulky and less smelly. Plus, even fewer gas leaks 🙂
  • The dog will have fresher and more pleasant breath. This means goodbye halitosis!
  • Greater resistance to internal and external parasites.
  • Healthier joints.
  • The dog will drink less water because its food is already rich in fluids. Increase in muscle mass.
  • Increase in muscle mass.
  • Eating raw food means for dogs to absorb more enzymes, vitamins and natural probiotics.
  • Lower risk of overweight, obesity and abdominal distension.
  • The dog will be more physically active and will look much happier.

Disadvantage of a BARF diet

It is nIt is necessary to be well informed to balance a BARF diet properly, otherwise the dog may suffer from some problems, such as:

  • Nutritional Deficiencies  – When you feed your dog a quality industrial food, you know the healthy balance is perfect, as well as containing the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. On a BARF diet , achieving this balance may be more complicated than it seems (early days). Particular care must be taken to balance nutrients correctly, or not to miss some.
  • Foods that are not fresh and / or from unreliable sources could cause serious bacterial infections. To prevent this from happening, buy and trust only quality ingredients and always freeze meat before serving (freezing is like cooking, it kills bacteria).
  • Bones are one of the main reasons many vets are against the BARF diet for dogs. By chewing on the bone, the dog is at risk of swallowing small fragments that could accumulate in the intestine, causing constipation, lacerations and / or perforations, which would require surgery. Proponents of the diet say that raw bones are less dangerous than cooked ones, but there is still no way to avoid the risk of your dog swallowing a sharp fragment.A solution to avoid these risks is to chop your dog’s food well. dog.
  • Bones are also a major cause of pancreatitis and gastroenteritis in dogs following the BARF diet.
  • Gum problems and broken teeth are additional concerns for anyone who follows or wants to follow the BARF diet. Hard bones can damage a dog’s mouth and teeth, as their sharp edges can cut through the gum and tongue. In addition to this, the teeth may wear excessively and go to the point of completely falling out.

Tip: The BARF diet is quite complicated (at first) to administer correctly for a neophyte, so if you decide to follow it, I highly recommend contacting your veterinarian/nutritionist.

I say this for two reasons: to make sure YOUR dog is getting the proper nutrients in the right proportions and to make sure it is an adequate diet for YOUR dog.

Is it safe to feed your dog raw bones?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

Fleshy bones cover most of fido’s daily nutritional needs and are the main component of the BARF diet for dogs.

Fleshy bones also contain meat and muscle, and are a rich source of:

  • Waterfall,
  • Proteins,
  • Fatty acids,
  • Essential Amino Acids,
  • Vitamins,
  • Enzymes,
  • Antioxidants.
  •  Minerals (zinc, manganese, magnesium, iodine, selenium, iron)

Bones are also an excellent and balanced source of calcium and phosphorus, two essential minerals in the dog’s diet.

Keep in mind that bones are also high in fat, so if your dog is overweight, you will need to reduce the amount of fat in his diet.

As a general rule, a dog should eat between 60 and 40% of meaty bones per day. The percentage is variable as the exact amount depends exclusively on the subject and his age.

What & What are fleshy bones?

Fleshy bones are all those bones that are covered with meat (to a greater or lesser extent) and that Fleshy bones are all those bones covered with meat (to a greater or lesser extent) and soft enough to be digested and demineralized in the dog’s stomach through digestion and gastric juices.

Some examples of meaty bones suitable for the BARF diet for dogs are:

  • Chicken : wings, neck, carcass, backbone.
  • Turkey : wings, neck, carcass.
  • Rabbit – any piece.
  • Lamb: neck, ribs, legs.
  • Duck: neck, carcass.
  • Calf: chest, ribs, neck.
  • Quail – any piece.

It is important that the bone is always served raw, as cooking increases the risk of chipping dangerous to the intestines.

Splinters and bone fragments are very dangerous for the dog, as they can cause severe perforations in the intestine.

Once chewed, the bones form a compound that is not that dangerous for the dog.

Note: However, some recommendations should be followed when using bones in the BARF diet for dogs:

  • Poultry, bird or rabbit bones should always have meat around the bone to reduce chipping potential risks.
  • If you notice that the bone has no more meat around it, remove it immediately.
  • If your dog doesn’t chew bones and swallows them quickly, it can be hazardous. The solution, in this case, is to chop the bones before serving them to the dog carefully.
  • Don’t offer your dog just one type of bone with meat. Variation is the key to taking fewer risks.
  • Bones are very important in  the BARF diet  as they provide the dog with phosphorus, calcium and other essential and indispensable minerals.
  • Hard bones, such as calf’s knee, can be used as a recreational bone, as the dog will have a lot of fun gnawing on it; This type of bone provides the dog with excellent mental stimulation and promotes dental hygiene.


How to tell if your dog needs a lower percentage of bones?

To understand if a dog needs fewer bones on the BARF diet, you need to look at his feces.
Poop is our best ally to examine and analyze if our dog’s diet is going well.

If your dog shits very white, has difficulty defecating or is constipated, try lowering the bone percentage and raising the meat percentage until you find the ideal amount for his body.

Poop should be brown, firm (a little hard), firm, small, and with a light odor.

What ingredients to use and which to avoid in the BARF diet for dogs?

1. Meat & Fish

To develop a BARF diet you can use many natural and fresh ingredients, let’s find out together!

1.1. Meat

In addition to the meaty bones we have in the previous chapter, the BARF diet should include 25%-30% lean meat (or fish).

Some examples of meat that can be given to a dog following the BARF diet  are:

  • Chicken,
  • Turkey,
  • Duck,
  • Deer,
  • Horse,
  • Ostrich
  • Quail,
  • Rabbit,
  • Lamb,
  • Beef,
  • Ox
  • Veal.

Meat and fish are an important part of the BARF diet , as both are proteins with a high biological value, rich in:

  • Waterfall,
  • Essential amino acids
  • Non-essential amino acids,
  • Fatty acids,
  • Vitamins,
  • Enzymes
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals.

1.2. Fish

On the other hand, fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients, so I recommend that you include fish at least twice a week.

Some examples of fish that can be given to a dog following the BARF diet are:

  • Herring,
  • Anchovies,
  • Mackerel,
  • Trout,
  • European bass,
  • Redfish,
  • Cod,
  • Hake,
  • Grouper,
  • Sole,
  • Salmon,
  • Gilt-head bream
  • Tuna (very high in mercury, avoid large quantities)

Providing some variety between meat and fish is important for achieving good nutritional balance in the BARF diet regimen.

2. Fruit & Vegetables 

You can use a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in your dog’s diet.

As I mentioned earlier, dogs have a very short digestive tract, and their teeth are not set up for shredding and grinding vegetables.

Other than that, they lack amylase, which breaks down the carbohydrates found in these foods.

Vegetables consumed by carnivores in their natural state are usually already ground and semi-digested in the digestive system of their prey.

For this reason, the official BARF diet recommends chopping and blending these foods, and feeding them in a low percentage (about 10% of the diet will consist of fruit and vegetables).

2.1. Fruit

Fruit should always be given to dogs without seeds and stones. 

Examples of fruit you can give to a dog following the  BARF diet  are:

  • Banana.
  • Apple.
  • Strawberry.
  • Raspberries.
  • Pear
  • Tangerine
  • Watermelon
  • Kiwi
  • Cherry
  • Blueberries
  • Melon
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Coconut
  • Prune
  • Pumpkin

2.2. Vegetables

Examples of vegetables you can give to a dog following the BARF diet are:

  • Broccoli
  • Zucchini
  • Peppers (red and green)
  • Carrot
  • Turnips
  • Pumpkin
  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Parsley
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce of different types
  • Cauliflower

3. Organs and bowels

Organs and bowels are included in the 10% of the diet we mentioned earlier, and must always be fresh and purchased from a trusted butcher.

Did you know that the guts and internal organs have a higher density of nutrients than any other part of an animal?

Indeed, for this reason, we could even say that the bowels are a multi-vitamin .

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

The bowels and internal organs are another key component of the BARF diet , as they are the best natural multi-vitamin your dog can consume thanks to the incredible amount of:

  • Vitamins,
  • Proteins,
  • Minerals,
  • Enzymes,
  • Essential fatty acids,
  • Antioxidants e
  • Waterfall.

The most used bowels and internal organs in the BARF diet are:

  • Chicken gizzards,
  • Chicken stomach
  • Veal heart,
  • Veal heart
  • Chicken heart,
  • Tripe,
  • Beef kidney,
  • Chicken kidney,
  • Lung,
  • Brain,
  • Pancreas,
  • Testicles,
  • Chicken liver,
  • Veal liver,
  • Beef spleen,
  • Beef liver.

Be careful with the liver , as it contains a high concentration of vitamins, and you shouldn’t give it more than twice a week, and always in minimal quantities.

4. Supplements

The BARF diet can also contain other foods and supplements that can be included in the dog’s diet, two or three times a week, in order to complement and enrich the main recipe with extra nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids.

Some examples of food supplements you can give to a dog following the BARF diet are:

  • Raw eggs (proteins with high biological value and rich in essential amino acids).
  • Natural yoghurt , Kefir and ricotta (source of probiotics).
  • Chicken legs and beef ear (rich in collagen).
  • Spirulina (natural multi-vitamin).
  • Marine phytoplankton (source of Omega 3 and multi-vitamin)
  • Garlic (pesticide).
  • Olive oil (fatty acids).
  • Coconut oil (fatty acids, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial).
  • Chia (vitamins and minerals).
  • Apple cider vinegar (pesticide).
  • Fish oil (Omega 3).
  • Bee pollen (enzymes, strengthens the immune system).
  • Turmeric (anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant).
  • Aromatic herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, basil, coriander
  • Marine algae .
  • Quail eggs.

5. Recreational bone

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

These types of bones are not part of the dog’s diet but serve to entertain the dog and promote his dental hygiene naturally.

Recreational bones offer great mental stimulation to the dog, relax him in moments of great stress (separation anxiety), making him lose the condition of time.

Let’s say they’re the perfect replacement for those super expensive commercial snacks and sticks, which we usually buy thinking about cleaning our best friend’s teeth. Still, we’re doing the opposite (and we don’t even know what they contain).

This tThe dog must always consume this type of bone under our control, especially the first few times.

Also, I recommend that you freeze them (always) before serving them.

Some examples of recreational bone you can give to a dog following the BARF diet are:

  • Beef trachea
  • Calf femur
  • Beef femur
  • Beef knee
  • Beef shank
  • Beef shoulder blade
  • Calf hip
  • Chicken leg
  • Oxtail
  • Beef ears

How to make the transition from kibble to the BARF diet for dogs

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

If your dog has only ever taken industrial food, and you have decided to switch to the BARF diet, there are many factors to consider:

  • In the beginning, you have to combine raw food with cooked food. Dogs tolerate cooked vegetables better, as they are easier to digest, so it’s a good idea to feed them cooked and combine them with other raw foods.
  • Always freeze meat and fish before feeding to avoid bacterial infections.
  • Find a recipe that suits your dog (you will find a couple later). There are many recipes to support a BARF diet. It is essential to consider your dog’s characteristics and find those best suit him.
  • If your dog has intestinal problems, you will need to reduce the fat content; if, on the other hand, it has an intolerance to a particular food, you will have to avoid it and exempt it from the recipe.
  • If you don’t get enough fiber, your dog may suffer constipation problems.
  • Make sure you prepare nutritionally complete recipes faithfully. Like us, dogs must also follow a healthy and balanced diet. Ensure you provide all the nutrients in the correct ratio and add the necessary supplements.
  • Make the transition from slowly. A radical change in your dog’s diet could be the cause of several problems. It is best to make this change gradually, mixing the new foods with your regular foods and progressively increasing the new ones over two to three weeks.
  • Pay attention to your dog’s overall health. Raw food is not suitable for all dogs. Some dogs don’t tolerate it well. Look at his coat, feces, and any signs of discomfort and infections to ensure your dog eats a correct and balanced diet.

Contact your veterinarian immediately if you see any signs of irregularity or particular symptoms.

Can raw fish be included in the BARF diet for dogs?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

The answer is YES! Fish can be included in the BARF diet for dogs without any problems, although some things to consider.

Fish is an excellent source of animal protein and contains essential fatty acids and vitamins A, B, D, and E. Among the minerals that fish can provide your dog are phosphorus and calcium.

However, there are many precautions to take if you wish to give your dog fish and feed him safely:

  • Before giving fish to your dog, it is good to remove the spines and bones, as they can be very dangerous.
  • The bones and spines can get stuck in the dog’s mouth, throat, or digestive system.
  • Cooking, boiling, or grilling the fish before serving it will 100% eliminate all parasites and bacteria.
  • If you decide to give your dog bones and spines, be sure to always do them with fish attached.

If you continue to have doubts, grind everything well and serve.


  • If you intend to give your dog raw fish, it is very important to freeze it first, below -20 ° C, for about five days to prevent parasites such as Anisakis from affecting your dog.
  • It is best to always serve raw fish to your dog in pieces and without bones so that he can swallow and digest it without any problem.

How to introduce raw meat to your dog?

To give your dog the raw meat in the BARF diet “responsibly”, you need to follow these simple precautions:

  • To avoid the risk of bacterial / parasite infection in raw meat, it is good practice to freeze the meat for at least 2/5 days.
  • Before giving frozen meat to your dog, it must be defrosted slowly and completely in the fridge.
  • Meaty bones should be raw, and always with some flesh attached to reduce the risk of splintering.
  • Bones from birds and poultry, which are easier to chip, would be best shredded, especially if your dog ingests them without chewing them.

How to introduce fruit and vegetables to your dog

Fruits and vegetables must be heavily shredded to make them easier to consume.

To facilitate digestion and avoid problems, I also recommend that you cook (steamed) the vegetables you use in your dog’s BARF diet.

Some plants contain elements that protect them from animal predation, which are toxic to dogs when raw but disappear when cooked.

Some examples of plants that are toxic to dogs if not cooked before being fed are:

  • Raw kale and savoy cabbage contain thiocyanate, which can cause hypothyroidism. Light cooking eliminates all of this.
  • Spinach and broccoli have phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption of minerals.
  • Swiss chard, spinach, leeks, walnuts and some fruits contain oxalate, which can cause kidney stones.
  • Many raw vegetables contain lecithin, which forms a lining in the small intestine, preventing proper absorption of nutrients. Among them we have zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.

Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, carnivores usually extract and consume vegetables from the digestive tract of their prey, then consume them in a state of partial or total digestion.

Another dietary source of vegetables used by carnivores in nature is the feces of other animals.

Their intestines are short, and they are not prepared to support the fermentation of vegetables, so I repeat, in my opinion, lightly cooking the vegetables before feeding them to dogs is a great idea.

The small percentage of vegetables in the BARF diet is enough for your dog. The percentage of fruit and vegetables in the BARF diet for dogs is 10%, with a quantity of fruit less than (5%), due to its high natural sugar content.

Some fruits and vegetables can be toxic to your dog, and / or cause digestive problems, so it’s a good idea to inquire first.

BARF diet dosage for dogs?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

The first step in starting a BARF diet is to find the right amount of food for your dog.

The amounts may vary depending on your dog’s age, breed, weight and physical activity.

As a general rule, to calculate the amount of food to be given to a dog following the BARF diet , it must be taken into account that:

  • Puppies up to 4 months old must consume about 10% of their weight in food, as their metabolism is very fast.
  • The puppies from 4 months and over, will drop to 8%
  • Puppies from 12 months will consume 3% of their weight.
  • Adults with high physical activity should eat 4% of their weight.
  • Adults with a normal level of activity should eat 3% of their weight.
  • Sedentary adults should eat 2% of their weight.

How to calculate the amount of food to give to a dog?

The BARF diet  consists of:

  • 60% bone with meat and muscle
  • 25% lean meat (or fish)
  • 15% fruit and vegetables, eggs and bowels
  • 0% preservatives
  •  0% cereals

Or What I use for my dogs is:

  • 60% fleshy bones (bones with flesh attached)
  • 20% lean meat and / or fish
  • 10% Viscera and / or internal organs
  • 10% fruit & vegetables (steamed and chopped)
  • + Supplements.

It is essential to consult with your veterinarian/nutritionist to calculate the correct and most appropriate amounts for your dog and determine if he has any allergies or intolerances to any food.

Below you will find some guidelines, but remember that this is an indicative value, and as such it can vary, depending on the needs of each dog.

I tell you this to make sure that yours does not suffer from any food shortages or health problems in the future.


Based on the proportions given above, the first step is to calculate the quantities of food based on your dog’s weight.

For example, a dog that weighs 25 kg and has an average activity level, with no health problems, should consume about 3% of its weight.

So, you have to do this simple multiplication:

25 X 0.3 = 7.5 >>> 750 grams of food per day

3% means that the dog should eat a serving of 750 grams per day (usually in one, two or three rations).

If we calculate the percentages for the 750 grams, we get:

  • 450 grams of bone with meat and muscle
  • 187.5 grams of lean meat
  • 112.5 grams of bowels, fruits and vegetables

Tips for preparing BARF diet recipes for dogs:

  • To make your dog’s BARF diet , the food must be raw and of high quality , and the vegetables should (not everyone thinks so) be boiled for ease of digestion.
  • Raw eggs can also be added (some people cook them to avoid salmonella ).
  • We must try to make a recipe that contains a food of each group (meat or fish, vegetables, fruit), and following the doses I mentioned at the beginning of the article.
  • Another great tip is to freeze meat and fish for 3-5 days before serving to avoid bacterial infections.

How Many Calories a Day Should A Dog Eat?

However, in addition to the calculation that we have made above, in general, we can know what are the quantities to be administered to fido, also taking into account the kilo calories per day that a healthy adult dog with an ideal body condition needs:

Weight of the dogCalories / Day
2 Kilos140 kcal
3 Kilos190 kcal
4 Kilos240 kcal
5 Kilos280 kcal
8 kilos400 kcal
10 kilos470 Kcal
12 kilos540 Kcal
15 kilos640 Kcal
17 kilos700 Kcal
20 kilos790 Kcal
23 kilos880 kcal
25 kilos940 kcal
28 kilos1020 kcal
30 kilos1080 kcal
33 kilos1160 kcal
35 kilos1210 kcal
38 Kilos1290 kcal
40 kilos1340 kcal
43 kilos1410 kcal
45 kilos1460 kcal
49 kilos1560 kcal

How to prepare a BARF recipe for an adult dog?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

Once you have calculated the daily amount of food your dog should consume, you need to select and prepare the ingredients.

Tip: It is good to prepare the necessary amount of meals for a month and freeze them already proportioned in containers. (this option requires a large freezer)

Once you know the amount of food to give to your dog, and have chosen the ingredients as well, you can now move on to preparing the recipe.

This is an example of a BARF recipe for dogs:

Ingredients BARF diet recipe for dogs

  • A whole chicken of about 1 kg
  • 50 grams of veal liver
  • 100 grams of beets
  • 100 grams of pumpkin
  • 50 grams of carrots
  • 100 grams of spinach
  • 100 grams of seedless apples
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation BARF diet recipe for dogs

  • Cut the chicken and liver
  • Chop up fruit and vegetables
  • Add the oil
  • Mix everything, and divide into daily portions
  • Keep the food in the freezer for 2/5 days before serving


Every day take out the portion for the next day, and put it to thaw in the refrigerator and not at room temperature.

Make sure the food is completely thawed before giving it to your dog.

If you are afraid of bone fragments, grind them.

6 BARF recipe examples for dogs

Here are 5 examples of BARF recipes to take inspiration from (30 kg dog with an average energy level):

BARF recipe # 1

For the preparation of this dog barf recipe you will need:

  • 200 grams of beef tenderloin
  • 100 grams of chicken hearts
  • 2 cut veal ribs (about 170 grams)
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • 1 large carrot (steamed and pureed)
  • 100 grams of green beans
  • 50 grams of coconut oil

BARF recipe # 2

For the preparation of this dog barf recipe you will need:

  • 300 grams of salmon
  • 100 grams of chicken wings
  • 50 grams of liver
  • 2 teaspoons of linseed oil
  • 2 tablespoons of ground bone powder
  • 1 natural whole yogurt without sugar (about 125 grams)
  • 1 medium courgette (about 100 grams)
  • 50 grams of green peas
  • 1 mango (about 140 grams)

BARF recipe # 3

For the preparation of this dog barf recipe you will need:

  • 200 grams of boneless turkey breast
  • 100 grams of chicken wings
  • 100 grams of chicken gizzards
  • 50 grams of tuna
  • 1 chicken neck (about 38 grams)
  • 2 quail eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 100 grams of beets
  • 50 grams of spinach
  • 1 medium apple (without seeds)

BARF recipe # 4

For the preparation of this dog barf recipe you will need:

  • 200 grams of duck
  • 50 grams of chicken kidney
  • 100 grams of duck carcass
  • 100 grams of beef heart
  • 50 grams of kefir
  • 50 grams of brewer’s yeast
  • 110 grams of cabbage
  • 1 small pear
  • 1 egg

BARF recipe # 5

For the preparation of this dog barf recipe you will need:

  • 100 grams of lamb chop
  • 125 grams of beef tongue
  • 100 grams of lamb brain
  • 100 grams of beef shank
  • 3 quail eggs
  • 1 cucumber, diced (about 125 grams)
  • 1 minced clove of garlic
  • 1 stick of celery (about 30 grams)
  • 1 medium banana
  • 100 grams of seaweed

Warning: These recipes are just ideas, in no case can they replace the professional consultation of a veterinarian and a nutritionist.

Example BARF diet daily ration for a puppy dog

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs


If your dog is a puppy you should calculate that he needs 10% of his weight in the BARF diet on a daily basis, so if your dog weighs 3 kg, you should give him a total of 300 grams of the BARF diet per day.

These 300 grams must be divided into 3 rations, so you can give them 100 grams for breakfast, 100 grams for lunch and 100 grams for dinner. Following the percentages of the recipe that I administer to my dogs, we would have:

  • 60% fleshy bones (180 grams),
  • 20% lean meat (60 grams),
  • 10% fruit and vegetables (30 grams)
  • 10% of organs and bowels (30 grams).

So if you multiply by 7 days you will have the total of the ingredients you would need in a week; if you multiply by 30 you can get the total you would need in a month.

It is possible to prepare the menus in individual bags (daily rations) and freeze them, and then take them out day by day to thaw them slowly in the refrigerator.

Example BARF diet daily ration for an adult dog

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs


If your dog is already an adult, his daily allowance should be 3% (approximately) of his weight, so if your dog weighs 30 kilos for example, his daily allowance should be 900 grams per day (which you can divide for example in three 300-gram meals, breakfast – lunch and dinner or two 450-gram meals, breakfast and dinner).

Of the 900 grams your dog should eat every day:

  • 60% fleshy bones (540 grams),
  • 20% from lean meat and / or fish (180 grams),
  • 10% from fruit and vegetables (90 grams)
  • 10% from organs and bowels (90 grams).

As you can easily see, it’s all a matter of correctly counting your dog’s weight;

  • If it is a puppy, you should give it between 8% and 10% of its weight,
  • If it is an adult, you should give it between 2% and 4% of its weight.

What food supplements and supplements to add to a dog’s BARF diet?

It is possible to integrate the basic recipes of the BARF diet for dogs with a series of supplements that will be very useful for your best friend, such as:

1. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is high in protein and is one of the best sources of B vitamins available.

It is an excellent antifungal, which also acts against external parasites, such as fleas and ticks.

It also intervenes in the glucose absorption process, in the assimilation of fats and in the correct functioning of the nervous system.

Furthermore, its high fiber content improves intestinal transit. It is possible to add one teaspoon every 10 kg to the meal.

2. Turmeric

Contains carbohydrates, vitamins B, C, E, K, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, protein and fiber.

It is a natural anti-inflammatory, with antioxidant properties. Promotes digestion and is an anticancer.

Consult your veterinarian before giving turmeric to your dog.

3. Horsetail

It is a natural anti-inflammatory and has antibiotic properties and you shouldn’t give your dog too much of it.

If your dog has blood pressure, heart or kidney stone problems, it can harm to your dog’s health.

Always consult your vet before giving it to your dog.

4. Raw eggs

egg is an excellent and very nutritious food, rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin B12, vitamin A, iron, selenium and many other nutrients.

I recommend adding 1 to 3 eggs per week (1 for small dogs, two for medium breeds and 3 for large breeds).

5. Yogurt & Ricotta

They are a great natural probiotic, and rich in protein and calcium.

6. Spirulina

A super food with antioxidant, anti-aging properties, strengthens the immune system and is rich in nutrients

7. Coconut Oil

It has many benefits for strengthening the immune system, has antibacterial properties, aids the endocrine and digestive systems, and is excellent for the skin.

8. Garlic

Garlic has a bad reputation and is considered one of the prohibited foods for dogs and cats because it contains a toxic substance that can produce anemia, however a dog or cat would have to eat excessive amounts of garlic every day for a month for that grade to occur. of intoxication that everyone talks about.

Garlic has many benefits including its antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties.

9. Chicken leg / Beef ear

These two foods are very rich in collagen, which is essential for the proper functioning of the joints and for the construction of tissues.

10. Spices and flavorings

From time to time you can sprinkle your dog’s food with spices and flavorings (turmeric, rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, coriander, basil) to add an extra dose of nutrients.

Better croquettes or the BARF diet?

Barf Diet For Dogs
Barf Diet For Dogs

Many vetMany veterinarians oppose the BARF diet, not because it is a lousy diet, but because of its dangers and associated with it.

Advocates of the BARF diet claim that it is a much healthier diet than a commercial feed.

This is true if we compare it with low-end feeds, but not entirely with high-end meals, which take great care of their ingredients and simmer them at low temperatures to keep the nutrients “almost” unchanged.

Even high-end feeds and kibble do not contain grains.

It is “almost” as healthy as the BARF diet if you use a high-end food, but it is more “safe”.

By safe I mean free from imminent danger.

The greatest danger of the BARF diet for dogs is bones, especially those of birds, which splinter easily and can cause intestinal obstructions, intestinal mucosal tears or other problems that require surgery.

Fishbones are also very dangerous, but the danger is drastically reduced if they are shredded or shredded.

So, if you decide to follow and switch to the BARF diet, CONSULT your veterinarian/nutritionist and take the necessary precautions to ensure that your dog eats safely, receives healthy and balanced nutrition, but above all, leads a healthy and happy life.

Frequently asked questions about the barf diet

1. Can I give my dog ​​a BARF diet if he has health problems?

If your dog is suffering from health issues, the BARF diet may not be the most suitable for him.

You may need to pay attention to certain foods and cook them before feeding them to your dog.

It is always essential to consult with your veterinarian/nutritionist before starting a BARF diet.

This advice is essential to follow if your dog has to follow a special diet; since you should avoid nutritional deficiencies, and at the same time, ensure a specific and healthy diet.

Premium commercial kibble can be a good option if they meet your dog’s nutritional needs with health problems.

2. Can I continue to administer the BARF diet to a pregnant dog?

A pregnant dog can continue to eat the BARF diet without any problem. Still, I recommend taking extreme precautions and measures against parasites. It is necessary to consult your veterinarian to know the best anti-parasitic solution that does not harm the fetuses.

It may be necessary to feed 3 to 5% of her weight in food, in many small rations to avoid causing her nausea.

Also, your pregnant dog will need more calcium, which gets through the bones, so you may need to increase the amount of bone in your diet a bit or give a calcium-based supplement, depending on your vet’s recommendations.

If your dog eats his bowels, his folic acid requirement may be met with ease. It is also necessary to increase the amount of omega-3s.

This nutrient can be obtained from fatty fish such as salmon, which is also rich in it, or natural salmon oil.

3. From what age can you start feeding a puppy with the BARF diet?

By the time weaning begins, around the first month of age, you can already start giving your puppy a BARF diet.

The optimal food for an adult dog may not be the most suitable for a puppy, and you need to be well informed about what food is best for a puppy.

If you follow a diet of homemade and prepared ingredients, start with a source of meat and vegetables, all strictly mashed and chopped.


  • In the beginning, you can mix the mixture with a bit of water to make it easier to consume.
  • During the first phase of a puppy’s BARF diet, start with a few ingredients and add/change one each week, to understand the puppy’s reaction to the new food given.
  • As the puppy grows and does not suffer from food intolerances to the foods given, continuously add new ingredients to his diet (bowels, bones, vegetables, etc.), and always well chopped during the first months.

4. Can the BARF diet be given to a dog with cancer?

The diet for a dog with cancer should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Many BARF diet recipes include cottage cheese, which is a good source of protein and low in fat.

A diet based on animal proteins (chicken, rabbit, beef, fish), chicken liver, eggs and spinach is often the most recommended.

Depending on the type of cancer, this may or may not be the best diet for your dog, so it’s important to follow your vet’s recommendations.

The immune system of a dog with cancer is weaker than that of a healthy dog, so bacteria from raw food can be very damaging to his health.

In such a case, it is best to scald / steam the food before feeding it to the dog (do not throw away the juices that come out of the cooked food).

5. Can the BARF diet be given to a dog with digestive problems?

The answer is yes, and you can administer the BARF diet to a dog with digestive problems.

But, if your dog suffers from allergies or intolerances, you should be careful with certain foods.

It is essential to determine your dog’s digestive problems before following the BARF diet to prepare the recipes correctly and avoid further health problems arising from them.

6. Can the BARF diet be given to an obese or overweight dog?

The answer is yes, you can administer the BARF diet to an overweight or obese dog. But, in this case, you need to use lean meats and cut down on carbohydrates.

It may be necessary to start with amounts based on 2% of the dog’s weight, and adjust as it returns to its ideal condition.

Check with your vet to get the right amounts of food to administer.

7. Can the BARF diet be given to a dog suffering from kidney failure?

Dogs with kidney failure should be fed a low protein, low phosphorus, low sodium diet, and extra vitamins.

Use turkey meat and eggs, and avoid bones and fish not overloading your kidneys. You might also consider cooking his food before serving.

8. The BARF diet can be administered to a dog suffering from skin and skin problems

The answer is yes, and you can administer the BARF diet to a dog with skin problems.

In these cases, the BARF diet usually gives excellent results. It is particularly beneficial against food allergies and intolerances (thanks to the ability to control which ingredient to add in the recipe or not).

Contact your veterinarian to find out which ingredients are best suited to YOUR dog’s case, and you won’t have any problems.

If you don’t always have time to prepare a BARF diet recipe, there are excellent hypoallergenic foods and kibble specially designed to give the best results to your pet.


So in summary we can say that: 

  • The BARF diet consists of giving the dog raw and fresh food that is biologically suitable for him.
  • Bones are a very important component of the BARF diet .
  • You should be wary of the possibility that your dog may swallow splinters which could cause him serious damage.
  • The bones should always be fed to the dog with the meat and ground if necessary.
  • It is necessary to freeze meat and fish to eliminate bacteria and parasites that can harm the dog’s health.
  • Pay close attention to the spines and bones of the fish.
  • It is preferable to chop and lightly cook the fruit and vegetables before feeding them to the dog.
  • Before making hasty decisions, it is essential to analyze all the pros and cons of the BARF diet and consult a veterinarian and nutritionist.
  • Making sure you are giving well balanced meals that contain all the nutrients your dog needs is a key part of the BARF diet .
  • Eggs are also a great raw food for dogs.
  • Puppies can also be fed a BARF diet .
  • Calculating the weight of the rations of a BARF diet changes according to the dog’s size, age, activity level, and breed.
  • It is necessary to make a smooth transition from the previous diet to the BARF diet .
  • I REPEAT, Always consult a veterinarian, as not all dogs respond well to this diet.

And even today we have reached the end of the article. I just have to thank you for your attention And even today, we have reached the end of the article. Thank you for your attention and wish you a wonderful life with your dog.


A hug.