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How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth In 6 Simple Steps – Methods & Tips

How Often Should You Brush your dog's teeth

(Topic:-How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth, How to brush my dog’s teeth, should you brush your dog’s teeth )

This is a guide on how to brush your dog’s teeth.

In this article I will cover the following topics:

  • Why is it important to clean your dog’s teeth?
  • At what age to start brushing your dog’s teeth,
  • How often should you brush your dog’s teeth,
  • With what to clean and brush your dog’s teeth,
  • how to brush your dog’s teeth step by step,
  • How To Make 2 Natural Dog Toothpaste Recipes,
  • And many tips.


Let’s go!

How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth ?

How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth

As in the case of humans, even for dogs, oral hygiene plays a fundamental role in health, so you must not neglect this aspect. 

Tartar and plaque not only cause yellowing of the teeth, so brushing your dog’s teeth well not only serves to help him keep his teeth white but above all to prevent him from facing more serious problems.

Problems resulting from a dog’s lack of oral hygiene

  • Bad breath;
  • Caries;
  • Tartar;
  • Inflammation of the gums;
  • Difficulty swallowing food
  • Excessive salivation (drooling)
  • Abscesses, etc.

As you can see, the disorders that can be caused by poor oral hygiene are different, moreover, these problems, in turn, can give rise to more serious complications that in some cases come to represent a real danger to the life of your four-legged friend.

At what age do you start brushing your dog’s teeth?

How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth

To prevent your dog from suffering periodontal and bone diseases, you must start brushing his teeth from an early age.

As soon as you bring the puppy home you can start taking care of his oral hygiene, so you will help him prevent problems that often occur even when Fido is just 3 years old.

Obviously, you need to be patient as especially when it comes to an elderly dog ​​they may not like this operation, but as you will see later, just use a little imagination to make brushing the teeth a more pleasant action.

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

It is best to brush your dog’s teeth daily, preferably after meals. This way you will be able to remove all residues well and offer him adequate protection against plaque and tartar.

However, if for various reasons you are unable to brush your dog teeth every day, try to do it as soon as possible.

Furthermore, when you are unable to ensure a daily cleaning, you can take advantage of the solutions offered on the market, products that do not replace tooth brushing but which can be useful at least in part and keep Fido’s teeth cleaner.

How to brush my dog’s teeth ?

If you want to know how to brush your dog’s teeth properly, know that products designed for human use should be avoided. 

Consequently, you do not have to use the classic toothpaste that you use, as these products almost always contain fluoride, an ingredient that is highly toxic to dogs, and your four-legged friend does not excrete this product as we do, in the long run. risks due to fluoride ingestion can increase significantly. 

Here’s what you need to do a good cleaning of your dog’s teeth:

  • Toothbrush for dogs : on the market you can find toothbrushes designed specifically for dogs. Choose a model that has soft bristles, an ergonomic handle that is long enough and the size to suit your dog’s size. Alternatively, you can opt for a toothbrush commonly called “finger”, which is worn as if it were a thimble. Choose the one that suits him best and that is comfortable to use.
  • Toothpaste for Dogs : As anticipated, you will need a toothpaste designed for dogs. Also in this case you can choose between different solutions. I suggest you opt for a toothpaste that tastes palatable to Fido, so he will be more likely to “endure” washing.

How to brush your dog’s teeth: the steps to follow

Well, now that you know the products you need to brush your dog’s teeth let’s see what are the 6 steps to follow to carry out a correct cleaning. 

Step 1 – Prepare what you need, namely the toothbrush and toothpaste:

Find a comfortable place in the house (or outside) to brush your dog’s teeth and prepare the toothbrush and toothpaste.

Step 2 – Get your dog to taste the toothpaste:

It is best to get your dog to taste the toothpaste before brushing his teeth, so he will be more likely to have his teeth brushed.

Put a small amount of the product on your finger and then have Fido smell the toothpaste.

You will see that he will lick it and later will be more willing to have his teeth and gums massaged.

Step 3 – Familiarize your dog with the toothbrush:

The toothbrush is a strange and unfamiliar tool for your furry friend, so to keep him from getting scared put a pin of toothpaste on the toothbrush and let him smell and eat it.

In this way, he gets used to this new “game”.

Step 4 – Start brushing your teeth a little at a time:

Now that the dog is familiar with both the toothpaste and the toothbrush you can add the amount of product suitable for brushing and start brushing his teeth.

I suggest you be gentle and give Fido time to get used to this foreign object.

The best thing is to always start with the canines which, being the larger teeth, are easier to clean and the dog does not experience particular discomfort.

By acting in a gentle way, the dog relaxes and you can continue brushing the back teeth and finally the incisors.

Step 5 – Brush the outer arches:

Now that your teeth are clean, you need to think about your gums too. Add a little toothpaste and with rotating movements run the toothbrush over all the external arches, and then finish with vertical movements that go from top to bottom.

Step 6 – Wash the internal areas:

At this point, the dog has certainly got used to cleaning his teeth and you just have to clean the inside.

To perform this operation, you should place your hand over his muzzle and raise his lips, so he will open his mouth.

Now insert the toothbrush and gently clean all the internal gums. 

What to do if there are moving teeth or if there is bleeding?

How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth

Now you know how to clean and brush your dog’s teeth and the last thing I can give you concerns any gum bleeding or moving teeth. 

Some dogs may have particular sensitivity in certain areas of the oral cavity, while older dogs may have moving teeth.

Not only that, some breeds of dogs have a predisposition towards certain periodontal diseases that can cause them to lose their teeth even at a young age. 

Consequently, if brushing your dog’s teeth you notice any abnormalities such as the ones described above, I suggest you contact your vet for a visit. 

General tips for cleaning your dog’s teeth 

How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth
  • Dogs fed the BARF diet have been shown to have fewer oral problems because the food itself contributes to cleaning the teeth (through the chewing of bones and cartilage).
  • If your dog’s menu consists of wet or homemade food, you should also offer dry biscuits or chew items to aid in cleaning the teeth.
  • Tooth brushing should be included in the dog’s hygiene routine several times a week, using a dog-specific toothpaste.
  • It is better to feed the dog in one or more rations per day rather than allowing him to continue to have access to the food.
  • While it has other disadvantages, feeding dry food is believed to promote tooth cleaning.
  • For dogs that already have an oral problem, tooth brushing should be repeated daily.
  • Measures regarding dog oral hygiene should start as early as possible, as they will be much more effective if we start when the dog’s mouth is still healthy.
  • Every year you have to take your dog for a check-up at the canine dentist. If Fido has tartar, it can be removed on this visit. To do this, a dog’s teeth are usually cleaned with ultrasound and general anesthesia.

How to make a natural homemade dog toothpaste

How Often Should You Brush your dog’s teeth

There are several ways to make homemade natural dog toothpaste, and all of them are effective at fighting bacteria and tartar. Here are 2 natural toothpaste recipes for brushing your dog’s teeth:

1. Natural toothpaste recipe for dogs 

To make this homemade dog toothpaste recipe you will need:


  • 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of water or chicken / beef broth, which will give a more pleasant flavor
  • 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • Any type of finely chopped aromatic herb (dose to taste)
  • Two drops of colloidal silver to kill bacteria
  • A drop of edible mint essential oil


Mix all the ingredients, and store everything in a glass jar in the refrigerator, especially if you used chicken broth in the mixture.

If the toothpaste is liquid, just add some baking soda, if it is thick, add broth.

2. Natural Toothpaste Recipe For Dogs With Bicarbonate

Baking soda has always been considered a well-known ally for people’s oral hygiene, and it is also for our pets.

To make this homemade dog toothpaste recipe with baking soda you will need:

  • 5 grams of baking soda
  • 5 grams of water
  • Grated lemon zest (to taste)

The easiest recipe to prepare, as well as the cheapest. Mix the baking soda, water, and lemon zest thoroughly until you get a consistency similar to the standard toothpaste we humans use.

And that’s it when it comes to brushing your dog’s teeth.


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